A Message From David Johnson, President of the Arizona Southern Baptist Convention
Greetings Arizona Mission Network!
Undoubtedly you have heard of the tragedy in Maui from the wildfires that have devastated the island. Dozens of people have died, and thousands have been displaced and are in desperate need. The good news is that Southern Baptists are already on the ground helping. Despite losing one of our churches in Lahaina, another church on the island is offering shelter and assistance through Hawaii Disaster Relief. Like our own Disaster Relief ministry in Arizona, this organization of volunteers will be there along with many others for the long haul.
While there are many fund-raising efforts underway to help the people of Hawaii, you can be assured that every dollar given to Disaster Relief goes directly to help those in need. Southern Baptists take care of all the administrative costs through the Cooperative Program so all the funds that are given can be used for relief efforts. In addition to helping with the physical needs of the people affected by this disaster, you are also making it possible for people to experience the love of God and hear the good news about Jesus.
For this reason, we are asking churches to give to this important effort. You can do this in several different ways. You can give through the azsbc.org website, online through our social media channels, by sending a check to our office, or by giving directly to Hawaii Disaster Relief. You will find links to these options below. Your church may even consider a special offering for the people in Hawaii that are suffering in this tragic situation. Anything you can give will be appreciated. As always, thanks for your faithful and sacrificial giving to give a cup of cold water in Jesus’ name.
Give to AZDR for Hawaii Disaster Relief- Give Now
Give directly to Hawaii Disaster Relief- Give Now
David Johnson
Executive Director
Arizona Mission Network of Southern Baptists
“Working together to make disciples of all peoples in Arizona and around the world.”
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